Holly Wayne Jackson
Written by Holly Wayne Jackson

Holly started working in the area of funerals. This could lead you to wonder the reason she's in finance to use for personal purposes. But, the industry of funerals provided her with everything she needed to know about the significance of money and time. Holly has left the industry of mortuary in the year 2000 to pursue her passion for personal finances and travel the world. Since then, she along with her husband have established an income-driven lifestyle which has set them on the path to retirement extremely rich as they enter their mid-forties.

Payday loans are a popular option for individuals seeking quick cash in times of financial need. Payday short-term loans require borrowers to repay the loan with their next paycheck and they have high-interest rates and fees. Defaulting on payday loans has serious consequences while payday loans seem like an easy solution for people facing financial difficulties.

Defaulting on a payday loan means you have failed to make the required payments according to the terms of your agreement which leads to a variety of negative outcomes, including damage to your credit score, collection calls from debt collectors, and even legal action taken against you by the lender. The article explores what happens if you default on a payday loan and provide tips for avoiding default in the first place.


    • Payday loans are short-term loans designed to provide quick cash to individuals who need it with high-interest rates and fees.
    • Defaulting on a payday loan means failing to make the required payments as per the agreement leading to serious consequences like damage to credit score, collection calls from debt collectors, and legal action from the lender.
    • Lenders take various actions to collect the debt such as adding fees and interest charges, reporting the delinquency to credit bureaus, sending accounts to collections agencies, or suing in court.
    • You are offered a rollover or renewal if you are unable to pay back a payday loan which delays repayment for an extra fee but greatly increases what you owe.
    • Budget for repayment, shop around for the best rates, and understand the terms and conditions of the loan before taking one out to avoid defaulting.
    • Borrowers are able to seek assistance from credit counseling agencies, which provide guidance with budgeting and financial planning to help them repay the loan on time and avoid falling into debt traps.

What Is A Payday Loan?

The world of finance is ever-evolving and with that comes a plethora of loan options to choose from. Among the options are payday loans which have gained popularity over the years due to their accessibility and convenience.

Payday loans are short-term loans designed for individuals who need quick cash without going through the conventional lending process. They have high-interest rates and fees making them an expensive option for borrowing money. Payday loans remain popular among people who find themselves in urgent financial situations and require immediate access to cash.

What Happens When You Default On A Payday Loan?

The lender takes various actions to collect the debt when you default on a payday loan. The actions include adding fees and interest charges, reporting your delinquency to credit bureaus, sending your account to collections agencies, or suing you in court. Many lenders have policies for extending payment plans or offering hardship options if borrowers communicate with them early on about their inability to repay the loan.

Consequences likely follow if communication is not established and payments are missed or late. It’s necessary to evaluate the potential outcomes of defaulting on a payday loan before taking one out and only borrowing what is reasonably repaid within the agreed-upon timeframe.

What Happens If You Don’t Pay Back a Payday Loan?

You are offered a rollover or renewal depending on what state you live in, most payday lenders give you the option to roll over or renew the loan which means you delay repayment of the loan for an extra fee. You are able to extend the loan for another two weeks by paying an extra $15 if you borrow $100 for a $15 fee and are unable to pay it back after two weeks according to NerdWallet. You’d still owe the original $100 and $30 in fees. Though a rollover provides short-term relief, it greatly increases what you owe making it harder to get out of debt.

Initial loan amount Fee Loan Renewal/ Rollover Fee Total Amount Due after Renewal Comments
$100 $15 $15 $130 Renewed once
$200 $30 $30 $260 Renewed once
$300 $45 $45 $390 Renewed once
$100 $15 $30 $145 Renewed twice
$200 $30 $60 $290 Renewed twice
$300 $45 $90 $435 Renewed twice

The table above shows different scenarios with different initial loan amounts, fees, and loan renewal/rollover fees to demonstrate how much an individual owes after renewing their loan once or twice.

It’s necessary to note that while a rollover or renewal provides short-term relief, it greatly increases what the borrower owes making it harder to get out of debt. It’s recommended to avoid taking payday loans and if you must take one out, you must pay it back on time to avoid incurring penalties.

How To Avoid Defaulting On A Payday Loan

Budgeting for repayment of a payday loan helps an individual better manage their finances and the loan is paid back on time. Shopping around for the best rates on a payday loan helps an individual save money and prevent defaulting on payments. Understanding the terms and conditions of a payday loan is necessary to know the individual is aware of any potential fees or penalties that are incurred if the loan is not paid back in full and on time.

Budgeting For Repayment

It is necessary to budget properly in order to avoid defaulting on the loan on the due date for repayment of a payday loan approaches. One effective way is to create a payment plan that takes into account all other necessary expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, and transportation costs. It is helpful to cut back on unnecessary expenditures during the period in order to make a timely repayment.

Another option is seeking assistance from credit counseling agencies that provide guidance with budgeting and financial planning. Borrowers are able to avoid the consequences of defaulting on a payday loan which include damaging effects on their credit score and increased debt due to late fees and interest rates.

Shop Around For the Best Rates

Another necessary step in avoiding defaulting on a payday loan is shopping around for the best rates and creating a payment plan and seeking assistance from credit counseling agencies. Different lenders offer varying interest rates and fees, so it’s necessary to compare multiple options before choosing one.

Most states have laws regulating payday lending practices that impact the terms of the loan. Borrowers are able to make an informed decision that better enables them to repay the loan on time and avoid falling into debt traps by taking the time to research different lenders and their policies.

Understand The Terms And Conditions

It’s necessary to understand the terms and conditions of the loan before agreeing to avoid defaulting on a payday loan. Many borrowers overlook the step in their haste to receive quick cash but failing to read and comprehend leads to unexpected fees and charges that make the repayment even more difficult. Borrowers better prepare themselves for successful repayment by carefully reviewing all aspects of the loan agreement including interest rates, due dates, and potential penalties for late payment or early repayment.

What Are The Consequences Of Defaulting On A Payday Loan?

Defaulting on a payday loan has serious consequences both financially and legally. The lender charges you fees and interest rates that quickly add up to an exorbitant amount if you miss your payment deadline. They report your nonpayment to credit bureaus which negatively impacts your credit score for years to come. Debt collectors start contacting you demanding payment and potentially taking legal action against you if you don’t comply.

What Are The Alternatives To Payday Loans?

Credit Unions are a viable alternative to payday loans as they offer lower interest rates and fees than traditional banking institutions. Credit Counseling is another alternative to payday loans as it involves working with a credit counselor to create a budget and repayment plan. Peer-to-peer lending is a form of crowdfunding that allows borrowers to access personal loans with competitive interest rates which is an alternative to payday loans.

Credit Unions

It is overwhelming and stressful when you find yourself in a situation where you need financial help. The thought of taking a payday loan seems like the only option but it comes with high-interest rates and fees that leave you in even more debt. Credit unions are an alternative solution that offers lower interest rates and smaller fees compared to traditional banks and payday lenders.

Joining a credit union is easy and they offer various services such as personal loans, lines of credit, and debt consolidation options. Not only do credit unions provide financial assistance but they foster a sense of community by offering resources and guidance on how to improve your overall financial health.

Credit Counseling

Credit counseling is another alternative solution for individuals who are struggling with debt and financial management. Credit counseling agencies offer free or low-cost services that include budget planning, debt management plans, and financial education programs. The agencies work with creditors to negotiate lower interest rates and fees on behalf of their clients.

Individuals gain the necessary tools and guidance to improve their financial situation and avoid taking high-interest payday loans by working with a credit counselor. Credit counseling fosters a sense of community by providing support groups where individuals connect with others going through similar situations and receive emotional assistance during difficult times.

Peer-To-Peer Lending

Another alternative to payday loans is peer-to-peer lending. Peer-to-peer lending involves borrowing money from individuals rather than traditional financial institutions such as banks or credit unions. Borrowers apply for a loan online and investors are able to choose which loans to fund based on risk factors and potential returns.

P2P offers lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms compared to payday loans. Peer-to-peer lending platforms foster a sense of community by connecting borrowers with potential investors who are willing to lend them the money they need.

Final Thoughts

Payday loans are popular for quick access to cash but defaulting on them has serious consequences including damage to credit scores, collection calls from debt collectors, and even legal action taken against the borrower by the lender. Payday loans have high-interest rates and fees making them an expensive option for borrowing money.

Borrowers are able to avoid defaulting on a payday loan by budgeting for repayment, shopping around for the best rates, and understanding the loan terms and conditions. It’s recommended to avoid taking payday loans and if one must take one out, pay it back on time to avoid penalties.

Holly Wayne Jackson

Holly started working in the area of funerals. This could lead you to wonder the reason she's in finance to use for personal purposes. But, the industry of funerals provided her with everything she needed to know about the significance of money and time. Holly has left the industry of mortuary in the year 2000 to pursue her passion for personal finances and travel the world. Since then, she along with her husband have established an income-driven lifestyle which has set them on the path to retirement extremely rich as they enter their mid-forties.